Running with Scissors follows a teenage boy named Augusten Burroughs as he navigates his unconventional and chaotic life, living with his eccentric family. Based on the autobiographical novel by Augusten Burroughs, the movie explores themes of family dysfunction, coming of age, and the search for identity.
A Hatful of Rain (1957) tells the story of Johnny Pope, a man living in Manhattan who is addicted to morphine. He hides his addiction from his pregnant wife, Celia, and his resentful brother, Polo. As the pressure builds, Johnny's relationships begin to crumble, and he must confront his addiction and seek help before it's too late.
Before It Had a Name tells the story of a woman who inherits a house and a farm, leading her to discover herself and find a connection to the rural way of life. As she embraces her new surroundings, she learns about love, loss, and the value of living in harmony with nature.
A sometimes blind and sometimes mute homeless panhandler becomes the pivotal point in a modular story composed of secret love affairs, bittersweet conclusions, the end of an era, and pure hope. How hard is it to find an honest man?
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