Mau (2021) is a documentary that delves into the life and work of a highly influential graphic designer. It explores the intersections of philosophy, art, and design, bringing to light the conceptual models and theories that shape their practice. Through interviews with the designer, educators, and experts in the field, the film provides a comprehensive look at the development of their unique artistic style and the impact it has made on the world of design.
The Angel of History deals with the troubling presence of unsolved past events in actual and imagined realities. It takes place in various public and private arenas like the artist's studio, the arena of murder, the photographic frame, the museum, the body or the cemetery. The Angel of History offers new perspectives for understanding the complex relations which are spun around the museal space. The movie probes beyond the standard and limited museal relationships between artist and work or viewer and work, exposing the fragile, troubled and intimate relations between the various protagonists who participate in the becoming-public of the work of art: between a daughter and her mother, between an analyst and his patient, between father and son, between photographer and photographic subject, between a ghost from the past and contemporary figures, and between hangman and victim.
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