Kedi is a heartwarming documentary that explores the lives of street cats in Istanbul, Turkey. It takes a closer look at their relationships with the city's inhabitants, including fishermen, artists, and locals. Through stunning visuals and captivating stories, the film showcases the unique bond between humans and these feline creatures.
A young boy gets along better with the animals he befriends around his family's Canadian farm than with the people he lives with.
Mattie, a widow living in the backwoods of Florida during Prohibition, meets Trax, a charming man much younger that herself. Trax is a womanizing, lying bootlegger who needs money and he sets his sights on Mattie who can support him. After energetically courting her, Mattie marries Trax, who before long brings home a young woman to be their housekeeper, but it is obvious that she is to be his mistress. When Trax leaves on business, the two women each contemplate how they are being exploited and Mattie comes up with a plan of her own.
True story of a 30 something man arrested for having sex with a young man under the age of consent. The younger man (resident of a group home) made the initial contact and claimed to be old enough to consent.
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