DOTA: Dragon's Blood is an action-packed fantasy anime TV show that follows the journeys of various characters in a world filled with dragons, magic, and intense battles. The story revolves around a dragon knight who is possessed by a powerful dragon and a mute woman who becomes his unlikely ally. Together, they face off against evil forces and navigate through a complex web of political intrigue and supernatural fantasy.
Mia, a 10-year-old girl, forms an extraordinary connection with a white lion cub while living in South Africa. Together, they embark on an unforgettable adventure filled with love, friendship, and the beauty of the African wilderness.
JoJo's Circus is a delightful TV show about a young girl named JoJo who lives in a circus and embarks on exciting adventures with her pet lion Goliath. With its unique blend of animation, comedy, and musical elements, JoJo's Circus offers a surreal and educational experience for preschoolers.
When Scooby-Doo and the gang visit a magic school, they must solve a mystery involving a talking skeleton, a creepy banshee, and a secret door. With the help of their trusty Mystery Machine and their magical staff, they embark on a thrilling rescue mission to save a kidnapped sister.
After the death of his grandfather, a young boy named Napoleon is raised by his pet lion, Samantha. When Napoleon's pet lion is in danger, they escape from jail and go on a journey to find a new home, encountering various challenges and forming unbreakable bonds along the way.
A small-town politician falls for an idealistic zookeeper.
But what is the Church of Satan? Who is Anton LaVey? Where is he from? Why does he do that? It does not take much to imagine the worst. Orgiastic ceremonies, where one revels in the blood of virgins, moonlight lamb sacrifices, noise concerts in the basement of a historical building… No, really nothing that amusing among the activities in the Church of Satan. Anton LaVey is nothing like a horned Charles Manson, and his path is all the more unexpected. Nick Bougas allows us to discover the artist, the musician, the philosopher, all through hallucinatory images retrieved from archives, making this rare documentary only two years before the author of the Satanic Bible disappeared.
A sculptor who doesn't want to have any part of World War I is shamed by his girlfriend into joining the army. He becomes a fighter pilot, and undergoes a complete personality change.
A college professor gets into trouble when he tries to prove any animal can be domesticated, including an African lion.
A young man brings his pet lion with him when he's drafted into the U.S. Army.
When Alice Lang flies out to Kenya to marry gamekeeper Andrew Miller she is met by his brother Rusty, who is initially opposed to the marriage. The two become attracted to each other, but when Andrew is attacked by a lion, Alice nurses him back to health. Now torn between affection and duty, she must decide which path to follow.
This short shows various curiosities of people and nature across the United States, in the style of the "Believe It or Not" series. Among the dozen subjects are Milwaukee's Monkey Island; a boy in Salt Lake City who wrestles with his pet lion; a tree that grows out of a courthouse's stone roof; a well shaft in Pennsylvania that freezes in summer and melts in cold weather; and the town crier of Provincetown, Massachusetts.
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