Unplanned follows the story of Abby Johnson, a young woman who becomes the director of a Planned Parenthood clinic, but has a change of heart after witnessing an abortion procedure. She decides to leave the clinic and joins the pro-life movement, becoming a prominent activist. The film explores themes of redemption, personal transformation, and the conflict between reproductive rights and religious beliefs.
Documentary series about credit unions and responsible lenders across the country, telling the stories of people whose lives have been transformed by an ethical loan.
Inclusive fashionistas and designers dare to do what the high street doesn't, as they create fabulously bespoke and beautiful outfits for every body in their custom-built shop
In this feature-length documentary, we will tell the stories of men who are healing from the scars of childhood sexual abuse. While the statistics are horrifying for both sexes, the media and society seem to treat boy victims different from girl victims and this film will shine a light on the disparity. Lives full of shame, lack of self-worth and body dysmorphia as well as an often-continual fight to believe they are man enough or macho in the face of hiding scars from their childhood. The fear of being seen as a potential perpetrator because of their sexual abuse is a real systemic problem for men recovering from childhood sexual abuse. While the film will talk to some experts, the film will focus on personal stories and how these brave men have lived through their trauma.
How does it feel like to become an occupier without your own intentions? With known but also never published archival materials from the whole Europe and Russia we tell a family story of the director Anna Kryvenko about how the big politics is destroying the lives of ordinary people. Just couple of years ago the director found a family secret of her grand-uncle who came to occupy Czechoslovakia in 1968 as a Soviet soldier. When searching for grand-uncle's story the author touches themes like fragmentation of personal and national memory, inherited guilt, interpretation of history, media manipulation, relationship towards nowadays Russia, but also relationship of Czechs and Slovaks towards foreigners - themes very actual in our times.
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