Gravity is a comedy-drama TV show set in New York City. It follows the lives of a diverse group of individuals who attend a support group led by a former professional baseball player. The show explores themes of love, loss, and personal stories, with a touch of humor and drama. The main character, an opthalmologist with hypochondriac tendencies, forms relationships with the other group members, including an African-American man who uses a wheelchair, and together, they navigate through the challenges of life and search for the truth. Along the way, they confront their own mental disorders and come to terms with their grief and past traumas.
Through the Wormhole is a captivating documentary TV show that delves into the fascinating world of astrophysics, exploring topics like wormholes, the nature of the universe, and the laws of gravity. Hosted by renowned physicist Morgan Freeman, the series takes viewers on an enlightening journey through the cosmos, using cutting-edge technology and scientific research to provide answers to some of the biggest questions about our existence.
Ace of Cakes follows the daily operations of Charm City Cakes, a custom cake shop in Baltimore, Maryland. The show highlights the creativity and teamwork involved in designing and constructing intricate and often unconventional cakes for various occasions. Through the trials and triumphs of the team, viewers get a behind-the-scenes look at the challenges of running a small business and the artistry of cake decoration.
Unnatural History (2010) follows Henry Griffin, a teenager who moves to Washington, D.C. to attend a prestigious school. With the help of his anthropologist uncle, Henry solves historical mysteries using his unique perspective and supernatural powers. Alongside his schoolmates and cousin, the trio embarks on thrilling adventures while uncovering clues and artifacts in various historical settings.
The writings and eyewitness accounts of wartime participants help trace the story of Europe's liberation during WWII in this historical docuseries.
Meet the Ghost Club! Their adventures take them all around Los Angeles as they interview ghosts, solve problems and learn about their city's history.
When the school has to stay open for the holidays, the Recess gang plans a surprise Christmas show to bring the joy of the season to their friends and families.
Since her debut at the age of 18, musician, civil rights campaigner and activist Joan Baez has been on stage for over 60 years. For the now 82-year-old, the personal has always been political, and her friendship with Martin Luther King and her pacifism have shaped her commitment. In this biography that opens with her farewell tour, Baez takes stock in an unsparing fashion and confronts sometimes painful memories.
An insightful documentary that offers a comprehensive exploration of the lesser-known facets of Donald J. Trump. "The Man You Don’t Know" features interviews with prominent figures, including Donald Jr., Kimberly Guilfoyle, Eric and Lara, and granddaughter Kai. Their candid reflections, combined with perspectives from long-time friends, business partners, and notable personalities such as Hulk Hogan and Kyle Forgeard of the Nelk Boys, provide an intimate glimpse into Trump’s character. The documentary will also highlight stories from everyday Americans who have felt the impact of Trump's generosity.
Ben Platt: Live from Radio City Music Hall is a concert film that captures Ben Platt's live performance at the iconic Radio City Music Hall in New York City. The film showcases Platt's original music and covers, as well as his personal stories and intimate moments with the crowd. It also touches on themes of coming out and the support of his fans.
An intimate documentary telling people's stories about their scars, how they got them and their overall opinion on them.
Prom Night in Mississippi is a documentary that explores the racial tensions and discrimination faced by African-American students in a small town. The film follows a group of high school students as they prepare for their prom, highlighting the challenges they face due to prejudice and the efforts made to promote racial harmony.
Growing up, I heard many tales of my grandmother's life, before she was known as Mimo, and each narrative she told stuck with me and still impact my thinking to this day. I wanted to celebrate Mimo's wisdom and character, as well as capture the extraordinary within the ordinary. Hopefully I can inspire others to reflect on their own relationships with their elders and the untold stories that shaped their lives.
Hysterical is a documentary that delves into the world of female stand-up comedians, chronicling their experiences, challenges, and the impact they have made on the comedy industry. It takes a closer look at the personal stories of these women, highlighting their triumphs and struggles in a male-dominated field. Through interviews and behind-the-scenes footage, Hysterical offers an intimate and unfiltered glimpse into the resilient hearts and sharp wit of some of the funniest women in comedy.
Through letters, diaries and personal testimonies, an account of the complexity and variety of experiences of LGBT Italians during the Fascist dictatorship of Benito Mussolini (1922-43); intimate words that contrast with the lyrics of popular songs and the propaganda of the time, obsessed with extolling the myths of virility, femininity and motherhood and constrained by sexual repression.
From operating rooms to end-of-life meetings, the documentary series explores the culture of doctors and nurses and the conversations that happen outside the patient's earshot.
Haitian history is presented through an explosion of colour, dance and music, as the country prepares for its legendary carnival.
A filmmaker follows her grandparents’ daily life after her chain-smoker and alcoholic grandmother is forced to stop drinking beer for a month.
Tron director and Legacy producer Steven Lisberger and his son, Carl, visit the Disney archives to dig through the concept art and materials the studio saved from the original Tron.