The Trials of Oscar Wilde follows the life of the famous playwright and poet as he faces a scandalous trial and societal backlash due to his homosexuality. Set in the late 19th century, the movie explores themes of homophobia, societal hypocrisy, and class distinction. Wilde's relationship with Lord Alfred Douglas and the subsequent blackmail threats add to the drama and complexity of the story. It is a captivating portrayal of the struggles faced by Wilde and the impact of his trial on his personal and professional life.
During the Texas Revolution, a group of soldiers defends the Alamo against the Mexican army. The film explores the bravery and sacrifices made by the defenders of the fort as they face overwhelming odds.
During the civil war in Sarajevo, a zookeeper strives to protect his animals and finds hope and compassion amidst the chaos and destruction.
After moving into a new house, a workaholic father and his daughter discover a hidden Christmas box in the attic. As they read the letters inside, they learn valuable lessons about love, forgiveness, and the true meaning of Christmas.
A chronicle of the life of Marilyn Monroe, told through some of her most personal possessions as they are put up for auction.
The director creates a parallel of thirty years of her life (mid-1980s to 2012) and the evolution of her country, Greece. The loss of her lover, revived in archive photographs and 8 mm movies, is the background for her despair facing contemporaneous Greece, seen by her in the streets and viewed on television broadcasts from American and Russian channels.
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