In the film "Crime Wave" released in 1985, a quiet town is disturbed by a series of crimes that leads to unexpected events. The story revolves around a screenwriter suffering from writer's block, and his desperate attempt to rescue an old woman he believes is in danger. With the help of his wife, the screenwriter embarks on a thrilling adventure filled with comedy and crime. The film explores themes of self-doubt, the art of filmmaking, and the persistence of vision. Set in Kansas, the movie showcases an episodic structure and highlights the inner workings of the crime filmmaking process.
In a world on the brink of destruction, a lone gunslinger embarks on a quest to find the Dark Tower, a legendary structure said to hold the universe together. Along the way, he encounters dangerous enemies and unexpected allies, all while facing his own inner demons. Will he be able to unlock the secrets of the Dark Tower and save his world from annihilation?
A British reissue of a Fleischer Inklings short with sound narration.
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