The Heroic Legend of Arslan follows the journey of Prince Arslan as he battles against invaders and internal conspiracies in order to reclaim his rightful place as the ruler of the Kingdom of Pars. With the help of his loyal companions, Arslan must navigate through the treacherous seas of war and politics to achieve his ultimate goal.
As an unnaturally heavy mist descends on the battlefield, King Andragoras and his most valued officers confer among the bodies of dead and dying soldiers. When Daryoon, a young but highly skilled officer, voices his reluctance to send men into battle under these conditions, the king, unstable and enraged, banishes him. Now, Daryoon's new mission is to insure the safety of the King's only son, Prince Arislan. Daryoon and Prince Arislan set off on a quest of their own, but they can't succeed alone. They must convince both the Lord Narsus and his companion, the archer Elam, to join them in their quest to somehow help the soldiers win the war. Now a group of only six they must somehow overcome an enemy of 300,000 soldiers! These unlikely soldiers have fate on their side, so anything can happen!
When the evil Djinn is released from his prison and seeks revenge, he grants wishes to unsuspecting victims, causing chaos and destruction. A prophecy reveals that an archaeologist, a psychic, and a priest must unite to stop the Djinn and save the world from his reign of terror.
When a female protagonist falls off a boat and mysteriously finds herself in the era of Arabian mythology, she embarks on a thrilling journey filled with magic, time travel, and encounters with enchanting characters. Along the way, she must navigate treacherous situations and face challenges to protect her loved ones and unravel the secrets of the ancient tales of '1001 Nights.'
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