La Ceremonie (1995) is a psychological thriller set in rural Brittany, France. The film follows the story of a cunning and illiterate maid who forms a dangerous friendship with another woman. Together, they plot to infiltrate and ultimately destroy a bourgeois family. As tensions rise, the film delves into the complexities of social class, family dynamics, and the consequences of deceit and violence. La Ceremonie is a gripping exploration of the human psyche and the darker side of human nature.
Free Angela and All Political Prisoners is a documentary film that chronicles the life of Angela Davis, a political activist and professor who was accused of being a terrorist and facing charges of murder, kidnapping, and conspiracy. The film explores her involvement in the Black Panther Party and the Communist Party USA, her time as a fugitive, and the trial that made her an iconic figure in the fight against racial injustice and political repression.
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