In a small village during the Joseon Dynasty, a man named Byeong-gu possesses a legendary libido that has made him famous. However, when the village suffers from a severe drought, Byeong-gu embarks on a journey to find a woman who can tame his sexual desires and bring rain to the village. Along the way, he encounters various comedic and erotic situations, including a sex contest, fish people, and even a potential human sacrifice. With his sexual prowess and determination, Byeong-gu must navigate through lust, gossip, and the unrelenting desire of sexually aggressive women to find true love and save his village.
UnHung Hero is a documentary comedy that follows Patrick Moote, a man who explores the topic of penis size insecurity after his girlfriend rejects his marriage proposal, claiming that his penis is too small. Patrick travels the world, seeking answers and interventions including plastic surgery, penis enlargement conventions, and interviews with porn stars, all in an attempt to confront his own insecurities.
In the movie Dickshark, a shark-like monster terrorizes a town and engages in absurd and exploitative activities. As chaos ensues, characters are reunited, philosophy is questioned, and a mad scientist creates a giant spider. The plot is filled with puns, mind control, awkward sex, and a metal soundtrack, making it a z-movie with a phallic symbol motif.
Infernicus, directed by V. Lynch, final masterpiece of the New Cagne Trilogy.
From pills to pumps to plastic implants, this is the story of one man's pursuit to make his penis bigger.
My Penis And Everyone Else’s challenges society’s stereotypes of masculinity as well as getting to the heart of why men are so fixated with their members. Emotional, revelatory, and intensely engaging, this film takes on one of society’s last taboos and culminates in one of the most daring exhibitions ever seen in the UK, as Lawrence puts together the world’s largest collection of penis portraiture ever seen! “I do think pornography and the way it seeped into culture has had some effect because it’s so saturated, it’s so become a norm that people are seeing sex and their bodies through a completely distorted lens.”
Everything you've always wanted to know about the penis, but were afraid to find out.
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