Murder in the First follows the story of a prisoner named Henri Young, who is serving his sentence in Alcatraz. Young becomes a key witness in a case against the prison system and his lawyer fights to bring justice to the institutional brutality and human cruelty within the American prison system.
Brubaker is a drama crime movie released in 1980. It is based on the true story of Henry Brubaker, a prison warden who goes undercover in a prison in Arkansas to expose corruption and improve the conditions for prisoners.
An aging assassin hides in a facility for abandoned senior citizens to protect a daughter he left years ago.
A US prison decides to try out the methods of the Scandinavian prison system. But there are challenges ahead. Can the Americans succeed in focusing on rehabilitating prisoners instead of punishing them and changing staff attitudes, while overcoming the covid-19 pandemic?
RIKERS provides powerful personal testimonies about the culture of violence and corruption that has plagued the notorious New York City jail for over three decades.
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