This Crazy Heart follows the story of a 15-year-old boy with heart disease who embarks on a series of adventures in Germany with his friends. Together, they navigate love, friendship, and the challenges that come with living with a life-threatening condition. With a heartwarming blend of comedy and drama, the film explores the themes of family, resilience, and the power of seizing the moment.
A 10-year-old boy is in the car with his Roman and Romanist father. They are late because the derby is about to start, but first they have to go to a place. The child is dressed in a fluttering blue miniskirt and a cape like a superheroine. They arrive at the supposed show. Ettore begins to sing a song with female movements, but after a few bars, he is interrupted. He is not in school, but in a room of a pediatric hospital and in front of him there is a friend of his who is taken to the operating room.
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