Set in 1946 Ireland, a young girl named Fiona uncovers the truth about her family's ancestral ties to the selkies, mythical creatures who can transform from seals to humans. With the help of her cousin, Fiona sets out to rescue her long-lost brother who is believed to have been taken by the selkies. Along the way, she learns about the power of family, tradition, and the magic that lies within.
Born into a well-off family, Franz Blum had led a carefree youth until, some time after graduating from high school, he was arrested by the police. For, involved by a gang of bad boys, the young man had taken part in a bank robbery. A "heroic deed" which earned him six years in prison. Once behind bars, he was treated with ruthless inhumanity by the guards. And little by little - but inexorably - Franz turned into an insurgent...
A look at everyday life in the crofting community of Achriesgill in Sutherland.
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