Set in 19th century rural Japan, Empire of Passion follows an ill-fated love affair between a woman and a younger man, resulting in a spiral of guilt, despair, and insanity. When rumors of the affair start spreading, the husband becomes consumed with jealousy and seeks revenge, leading to tragic consequences. Directed by a cult director, this atmospheric film explores themes of adultery, desire, and the consequences of unfaithfulness.
The Spanish Earth is a documentary film that chronicles the struggles and achievements of the Spanish peasants during the Spanish Civil War. It portrays the arid lands, the sweeping of the streets, and the destruction caused by air raids. The film also highlights the role of military officers and showcases the rural setting and the peasantry. It serves as a propaganda piece, focusing on the resilience and determination of the Spanish people. The documentary captures the atmosphere of the 1930s and includes scenes of a German airplane, a city in ruins, waterworks, bakery, irrigation projects, and art preservation.
Farmland - the new green gold. Hoping for export revenues, Ethiopia's government leases millions of hectares of farmland to foreign investors. But the dream of prosperity has a dark side where the World Bank plays a very questionable role... Dead Donkeys Fear No Hyenas investigates land grabbing and its impact on people's lives. Pursuing the truth, we meet investors, development bureaucrats, persecuted journalists, struggling environmentalists and evicted farmers deprived of their land.
Schooling the World: The White Man's Last Burden is a thought-provoking documentary that delves into the effects of Western education on indigenous cultures. It highlights the challenges faced by traditional societies in adapting to a standardized education system and examines the cultural clash that arises as a result. Through interviews and on-the-ground footage, the film explores the implications of globalization, colonialism, and economic inequality on education and traditional values.
A documentary film that captures the experiences of ordinary Chinese citizens during the Cultural Revolution, showcasing their struggles, work, and the effects of Maoism. It portrays the class struggle, the impact on the working class and peasants, and the principles of communism in Communist China during the 1970s.
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