The Fabulous Baron Munchausen follows the titular character as he regales people with incredible stories and embarks on extraordinary adventures. From riding a cannonball to the moon to battling a giant fish, the baron's tales are filled with wonder and excitement. Along the way, he encounters a sultan, a princess, and a beauty known as the rose. With a mixture of animation and live-action sequences, this film brings to life the fantastical world of the baron.
In a secluded village surrounded by forests and a river, an elderly beekeeper and a livestock farmer live alone, their lives shaped by tireless work and quiet harmony. Through one day in their hidden world, this documentary reveals the beauty and mystery of their bond with nature, far from the reach of modern life.
To the Sea is a documentary film that follows the story of a father and son as they embark on a journey to the sea. The film explores the themes of family, divorce, and the bond between a father and his child. Through breathtaking visuals and intimate moments, it captures the tranquility and wisdom found in the quietness of the ocean.
Through interviews and real-life examples, Hari Sreenivasan and Dr. Haass explore how Americans are working towards strengthening democracy and renewing the spirit of a more informed and engaged citizenry.
Full of determination and uncertainty, Nutmeg pursues her daydream to escape a dull reality with a Walkman and her case of few sentimental belongings.
Fika is a presentation that explores what it means to appreciate the little things within our lives, demonstrated within the film throughout two perspectives, a stuffed bear, and his owner.
Fleet Foxes’ Robin Pecknold has announced his first livestream since the release of his fourth record, Shore. A Very Lonely Solstice Livestream will happen on the winter solstice, December 21, at 9 p.m. Eastern.
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