Set in the pre-Columbian era, Pathfinder follows the story of a young American boy who embarks on a dangerous journey to save his tribe from brutal marauders. Armed with his Viking ship, sword, and shield, he must navigate treacherous landscapes, face deadly enemies, and confront his own fears. Along the way, he encounters challenging obstacles such as a shipwreck, a cave, a chase, a whipping, and a waterfall. Through courage, determination, and self-sacrifice, he discovers the true path to success.
Ink follows the story of a father who enters the dream world to save his daughter's soul from an evil creature called Ink. He must navigate through different dimensions and confront his own guilt and self-loathing along the way. With the help of a mysterious storyteller, he learns about sacrifice, redemption, and the power of love.
When a group of friends gather for a card game convention, they accidentally summon a group of fantasy creatures into the real world. Now, they must navigate this new reality and find a way to send the creatures back before it's too late.
A model Communist village is visited by a flying saucer.
This documentary follows the extraordinary journey of Greg Taylor, who was wrongfully convicted of murder and spent over 17 years in prison before being exonerated through advancements in DNA testing and criminal justice reform.
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