On Christmas Eve, a young boy embarks on a magical adventure to the North Pole on the Polar Express, while learning about friendship, bravery, and the spirit of Christmas. Tom Hanks plays the train conductor of a magical train heading for the North Pole, in addition to five other parts. Based on a storybook written by Chris Van Allsburg, the Christmas story tells of a boy who has reached an age when he begins to have doubts believing in Santa...
Camp Lazlo follows the misadventures of an anthropomorphic monkey named Lazlo and his friends in the surreal world of a summer camp. The show explores the wacky and humorous situations they encounter while living in Camp Kidney.
With an unmanned, half-mile-long freight train barreling toward a city, a veteran engineer and a young conductor race against the clock to prevent a catastrophe. The train's odyssey becomes a media event, with various attempts made to stop it. Eventually, the engineer and conductor catch up with the runaway train and manage to slow it down, preventing a disaster.
Set on a sleeper train traveling from Glasgow to London, a government agency desperately tries to intervene in the rapidly-escalating events onboard. Can two people who've never met, one on the train and one not, work together to save the lives of its disparate group of passengers as the Heart of Britain service hurtles towards what might quite literally be its final destination?
In the near future, a giant alien creature has taken over half of Mexico. A photographer and his boss's daughter must travel through an infected zone to reach safety and the US-Mexico border. Along the way, they encounter danger, romance, and the true nature of the alien creature.
In 2092, Nemo Nobody, the last mortal on Earth, recounts his life at three pivotal points: at age 9, when his parents divorced, at age 15 when he fell in love, and at age 34 as an adult. Each point unfolds into numerous possible outcomes, revealing the many paths his life could have taken. As Nemo delves into his memories and alternate futures, he explores themes of love, regret, and the nature of choice.
An insurance salesman named Michael MacCauley is caught up in a dangerous conspiracy on his daily train commute. He is approached by a mysterious woman named Joanna, who offers him a large sum of money if he helps find a person named Prynne on the train. As Michael follows the clues, he realizes that he is being targeted by powerful forces who will stop at nothing to protect their secret. In a race against time, Michael must uncover the truth and save his family before it's too late.
A young couple, Walter and Anna, decide to purchase a beautiful but neglected mansion. However, they quickly discover that the house is in desperate need of repairs, leading to a series of chaotic and hilarious situations. As they try to fix the house, their relationship is put to the test, but they learn valuable lessons about love and perseverance.
Emperor is based on the true story of General Douglas MacArthur as he investigates Emperor Hirohito's role in World War II and the surrender of Japan to the US military. The movie explores the complexity of US-Japanese relations and the challenges faced by both sides during the occupation.
Miracle: Letters to the President is a heartwarming drama set in a small village in 1986. The story revolves around a smart boy who becomes a prodigy, dealing with the loss of his sister. He finds solace in writing letters to the president and takes refuge in the local library. The movie showcases his journey of growth, relationships, and the power of communication.
In the dark woods of England, passengers on an overnight train find themselves trapped with a bloodthirsty werewolf. As the full moon rises, they must fight for their survival against the vicious creature. Blood is shed, bodies are torn apart, and the train becomes a bloodbath. With betrayal and violence lurking around every corner, they must find a way to repair the train and escape the deadly nightmare.
TransSiberian is a gripping crime thriller that takes place aboard the famous Trans-Siberian railway. A married couple finds themselves entangled in a web of deception, murder, and drug smuggling when they encounter a mysterious stranger on the train. As they travel through the desolate landscapes of Siberia, they must confront their own cowardliness and fight for their lives.
A bullet train in Japan is hijacked by a group of blackmailers who demand a ransom. The police launch a frantic investigation to track down the culprits and save the passengers on board. As the train hurtles towards disaster, tensions rise and the passengers must confront their own fears and secrets.
In 'The Librarian: The Curse of the Judas Chalice,' a librarian embarks on a dangerous quest to find the Judas Chalice, a mystical artifact with the power to bring back vampires. Along the way, he faces off against vampire-human love, a duel with swords, and a thrilling sword-fight. This action-packed adventure also features comedy, romance, and elements of fantasy. Get ready for a thrilling ride as the librarian explores New Orleans and encounters various challenges and surprises.
In the year 1882, in the New Mexico Territory, two lawmen, Virgil Cole and Everett Hitch, are hired to protect the town of Appaloosa from a dangerous rancher. As they try to bring justice to the town, they face challenges such as unfaithfulness, a murder trial, and an Indian attack. Along the way, they develop a friendship and face their own personal demons.
Calamity Jane is a woman who is known for her way with a gun and her wild antics in the Wild West. When a famous singer arrives in town, Jane becomes obsessed with trying to win his affection, even if it means pretending to be someone she's not. Along the way, she discovers the true meaning of friendship and love.
Nick and Nora Charles, the husband and wife sleuths, go on a vacation to a small town. However, their vacation is interrupted when they stumble upon a murder. Now they must use their detective skills to solve the case.
Hour of the Gun is a drama western film set in Arizona Territory in the 19th century. It tells the story of the famous gunfight at the O.K. Corral and the events that followed, including the revenge-seeking Wyatt Earp and his friend Doc Holliday. The film explores the themes of good versus evil, justice, and vengeance.
The Spider Woman is a female serial killer who is disguised as a sheik. She poses as different characters to trap unsuspecting victims. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson are on the case to stop her. The plot involves murder, deception, and a web of clues.
Spider is a disturbing drama about a schizophrenic man named Dennis Cleg. He moves into a halfway house in London and becomes obsessed with his own distorted memories, leading him to uncover a dark truth about his past.