The Thick of It is a hilarious mockumentary series that takes a satirical look at the British government and the absurdities of politics. Set in the fictional Department of Social Affairs and Citizenship, the show follows the lives of politicians and civil servants as they navigate the world of spin doctors, public inquiries, and general elections. Filled with witty dialogue and brilliant performances, The Thick of It is a must-watch for fans of political humor and British comedy.
A Very English Scandal (2018) is a dark comedy TV show based on a true story. It follows the scandalous affair of a British politician, who hires a killer to murder his ex-lover. The plot takes unexpected twists and turns as the politician tries to cover up his crime, leading to a dramatic trial and a shocking revelation. Set in 1960s and 1970s England, this series explores themes of politics, homosexuality, and the dark side of power.
Long Live Freedom follows the story of twin brothers, one of whom is a politician struggling with mental instability. The movie explores themes of delusion, depression, and political cover-ups. When the politician disappears, his brother takes on his identity, leading to a series of comedic and dramatic events. Set in France and featuring a swimming pool scene and a film set, the movie delves into the world of political aides and the complexities of Italian politics.
The Hitler Gang adopts the style of a gangster film as it charts Adolf Hitler’s rise from small-time politico to dictator of Germany.
Behind the doors of a foreign government's embassy in Washington D. C., a group of royal loyalists is attempting to raise funds to aid a counter-revolution and restore the deposed emperor in a new republic. They are led by an unknown leader called 'The Eagle."
In the villa of the party dignitary, the fates of Stanisław, his son's friends, Zbyszek, a worker leaving the army, and the head of the thieves' gang, cross. The film was shelved by the censors for 27 years before finally getting a limited release in 2009.
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