Jersey Girl is a comedy-drama film that follows the journey of a successful New York City salesman who, after losing his wife in childbirth, is forced to move back to his hometown in New Jersey. As he navigates the challenges of being a single father and tries to rebuild his life, he finds unexpected love and friendship in his small town community.
Cloe, Yasmin, Jade, and Sasha must balance a school art project and preparing for prom.
See inside the exclusive Playboy Mansion, with parties attended by all the A-List celebrities
Gasman is a drama short movie set in Scotland. It tells the story of a family gathering on Christmas, where a young girl discovers her father's secret and the existence of her half-siblings. The movie explores themes of marital infidelity, domestic drama, and sibling rivalry.
An FBI-trained neuropsychologist teams up with a thief to find a reality-altering device while her insane ex-boss unleashes bizarre traps to stop her.
Pert Kelton and Tom Dugan star in this 1931 short directed by Mack Sennett, having a little dinner party.
Instead of delivering some fancy dresses to a customer, the girls wear them to a party.
Five Times Five tells the captivating story of the Dionne quintuplets, five sisters born in Canada in 1934 and raised in a unique and challenging environment. The film explores their relationships, their fame, and their struggles as they navigate through the 1930s.
Two eighth graders doing an assembly on cleanliness and neatness seek underclassmen. A look into Don and Mildred's hygienic endeavors.
Cindy, a 12-year-old tomboy, is devastated when she learns that she hasn't been invited to a neighborhood birthday party. That night in bed, her fairy godmother visits her, tells her enough with this tomboy baloney, gives her a frilly new party dress and some rules on how proper young girls are to behave at parties.
Susan, a pretty high school student, has everything going for her—except popularity. She can't figure out why she is so "out of step" with the rest of the crowd. She finally comes to realize that her habit of "hanging back" and "not trying to fit in" is making her unpopular. She vows to change her ways and go along with the crowd, which means that people will like her.
Five women whose lives revolve around an absent man constantly battle each other in their decaying old mansion. The first Argentinian sound film directed by a woman.
A montage of some home movies taken by Archie Stewart (1902-1998), an early enthusiast in taken 16 mm sound films of his family. We see his daughters, Mary and Anne, playing in the aftermath of a January, 1936, snowstorm. Next, indoors, the girls bring in a birthday cake and sing to Archie. He has Anne read to him from a children's book, and a year later, has her read aloud to show her progress. Anne and Mary dress up Pat the family dog in a dress and scarf and hold a tea party, chattering away. Archie's high-pitched voice provides narration on and off camera.
After getting into a compromising situation with a woman and her angry boyfriend, Harry uses a fire escape to hide in a friend's apartment, but finds that he climbed into the woman's one by mistake.
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