"Slaves of New York" is a comedic drama that takes place in New York City. The movie follows the lives and relationships of a group of struggling artists and designers, depicting their ambition, love affairs, insecurities, and the challenges they face in pursuing their dreams. The story revolves around a diverse cast of characters living in shared apartments and navigating the fashion and art scenes of the city. From fashion shows to gallery openings, parties to roommates issues, the movie explores themes of identity, ambition, and the price of following one's passion.
Whirlwind is a drama/romance film that explores the relationship between two gay men in New York City. The film delves into themes of love, infidelity, and interracial relationships, all set against the backdrop of the vibrant city.
An Open Secret is an investigative documentary that reveals the dark reality of child sexual abuse in the entertainment industry. It exposes the systemic abuse of young actors and actresses, highlighting the challenges they face in Hollywood. The film delves into the stories of several victims and their struggles to confront their abusers. It also sheds light on the role of influential figures in the movie industry who enable and protect predators. Through interviews and personal accounts, An Open Secret uncovers the disturbing truth and aims to raise awareness about the pervasive issue of child sexual abuse in Hollywood.
In this drama, a 50-year-old married man (played by John Halliday) goes with his wife (Belle Bennett) and son (Junior Durkin) to a nightclub in a fancy hotel in Detroit. He meets a gold-digger (Dorothy Burgess) there, singing the theme song of the picture, and eventually ends up going out with her on a subsequent occasion and falls in love with her. His wife finally finds out and this leads to her leaving him and getting a divorce in Paris. He is married to the gold-digger but finds life with her and her "jazz friends" to be too much for him. He begins to long for his old wife when he finds her in a nightclub with another man and becomes jealous.
Millie, a neglected wife, falls in love with a charming older man. They begin a passionate affair, leading to betrayal and heartbreak. Set in a small town, Millie's desires for love and excitement collide with societal expectations and consequences.
A group of friends set out on a road trip to "the party of the century" in the middle of nowhere, but on the way, they break down and find themselves being hunted for a satanic ritual.
Today there seems to be a new Social Celebrity every time we go online. We are inundated with guys famous for... well we don't really know what. But they have over 10,000 followers on Twitter and when they post a carefully posed shirtless shot on Instagram they have an army of followers giving it an enthusiastic thumbs-up.
A wealthy young woman struggles to find love while surrounded by possible suitors.
Operator 13 is a drama film that takes place during the American Civil War. It follows a love story amidst the chaos and conflict of the time. The main character is a woman who acts as a Confederate spy but later becomes involved with a Union general. The movie explores themes of deception, espionage, and the complexities of war.
Young girl gets a job at the White House as a switchboard operator and gets mixed up in politics.
Two good for nothing boys Jhumroo and Ghungroo are best examples of fools who keep roaming around the whole day. Their sole motive in life is to have fun, befriend girls, go to parties, get drunk and chill. They find impish ways to get in touch with girls. They are also desperate to get a job, but in their comical attempt they receive yet more embarrassment. After couple of disasters they get a job at a newly opened beauty parlor run by two smart girls. Their dream has come true. They are around girls all the time. But this is just the beginning of their hilarious trauma and a journey full of unexpected twists…. A roller-coaster ride for them and guffaws for viewers.
A glowing, prismatic portrait of the rise and fall of America's first celebrity designer—Halston—the man who was synonymous with fashion in the 1970s, and became the emperor of NYC nightlife. Interviews with friends and witnesses (including Liza Minnelli, Diane Von Furstenberg, André Leon Talley, Anjelica Huston, Bob Colacello, and Billy Joel, among others) round out this glittering evocation of the man who defined the most beautiful and decadent era of recent memory.
As California gubernatorial candidate Burton is about to cast his vote a truck crashes into the polling booth, critically injuring him and his opponent. A flashback traces his career from unemployed veteran to dockworker to lawyer. A side thread traces his tortured relationship with his wife.
The Treasury Department plants a female agent in the office of a luggage company that is suspected of smuggling diamonds.
After a chance train encounter with Laurence Knight, Tom Blake's family's fortunes prosper on the beneficence of the great financier. A developing friendship leads to the Knights selling their home to the Blakes when they move back to London. All looks rosy for the Blakes as share prices in Mr Knight's new business venture soar, but is their confidence misplaced?
In 'Zur falschen Zeit am falschen Ort,' the mayor of a village in East Germany faces the consequences of his actions. Blamed for the alcoholism, dullness, and violence in the village, he must confront his responsibilities and the impact of betrayal and trauma. As unemployment rises and the villagers become victims of torturous circumstances, the mayor must come to terms with his role in their suffering.
Software Blues is an upcoming Indian language Telugu Film ,It is software Romantic Comedy.
When Charlie David takes his hand at getting a girl's phone number for one of his friends on Valentines Day, he ends up getting the number for himself. As he enters the world of dating and opens himself up to new experiences - so do his friends. Problem is - the world they've entered into doesn't quite fit into Charlie's plan and he soon realizes that he and his friends are on two very different paths.
The lives and personalities of several college students are explored as they struggle with issues of sex, identity, stereotyping, the pressures of media influence on body image, and other harsh realities of young adulthood.
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