Lucky Night tells the story of a happy-go-lucky man who experiences a winning streak in New York City. He encounters various characters and gets involved in comical and dramatic situations. The film explores themes of luck, deception, and the pursuit of happiness.
An aspiring playwright gets a job in a New York City restaurant favored by celebrities in hopes of getting a break. Unfortunately, most of them believe that the waiter lacks the talent to make it big. Only an aspiring songwriter, and a former waitress who has become a famous Hollywood radio star, really believe in him. When the ex-waitress drops by the restaurant to say hello, she and the others decide to play a trick on an arrogant producer by making him believe the waiter has written a sure-fire hit. They succeed and the producer puts on the show. The singer gets to be the star. When the show becomes a smash, everyone is surprised. Songs include: "Hitchhike To Happiness," "For You And Me," "Sentimental," and "My Pushover Heart."
The Andrews Sisters harmonize their way through yet another 60-minute Universal musical quickie. The plot this time concerns a Lonely Hearts club which is used as a front by con artist Colonel Winchester (Charles Butterworth). Trying to promote a phony formula for synthetic rubber, Winchester gets mixed up with diligent young DA Tony Warren (Patric Knowles) and lady detective Linda Marlowe (Grace McDonald).
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