Neds follows the story of a young boy named John McGill as he navigates his way through the turbulent streets of a working-class neighborhood in Scotland. Dealing with an abusive father, bullying at school, and the lure of joining a gang, John must confront his own fate and find a way to break free from the cycle of violence and despair.
Donald Duck commits a crime and begins to imagine his guilty conscience as he faces life on the run from the law.
Gilles' Wife is a drama film set in the 1930s. The story revolves around a woman who begins to suspect her husband of infidelity and starts questioning her own desires. As she navigates through her turbulent emotions, she learns about love, betrayal, and the complexities of marriage.
Detective Charlie Chan boards a cruise ship where a murder takes place. He must solve the mystery before the killer strikes again. With the help of his son, an archaeologist, and a Scotland Yard inspector, Chan uncovers a secret motive behind the murder plot. As the investigation unfolds, Chan encounters suspicious characters and faces danger as he gets closer to the truth.
When a Wall Street firm downsizes, a well-to-do trader finds himself living with his parents and driving their ice cream truck.
When her doctor advises her to move West because of her health, Mrs. Pepper takes her five kids and relocates to Oregon to live with her sister. But adjusting to a new home and community isn't easy for the brood. Third entry in the "Five Little Peppers" series of four films.
A man buys a magic set for his son, but the tricks worked better in the store than they do at home.
Factory workers make Christmas crackers, a process that is shown in detail. Later, a family gathers around the tree at Christmas and enjoys their noise-making toys. Finally, Santa Claus emerges from a gigantic cracker.
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