In 1969 Florida, a 12-year-old boy named Chris Musto is caught between his divorced parents and finds solace in a strip club and a young redhead. As he deals with family drama, an undercover DEA agent and a drug dealer become entangled in his life, leading to a dangerous shootout and a chance for redemption.
Life at the Top (1965) is a drama film based on a novel, following the story of a socialite dealing with class snobbery, infidelity, and her struggles in life.
Blondie and Dagwood Bumstead encounter a series of comedic mishaps as they navigate married life and deal with the arrival of an old flame. Along with their mischievous dog Daisy and their precocious son Baby Dumpling, they find themselves in hilarious situations involving mistaken identities, misunderstandings, and budgetary constraints.
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