Slacker follows a series of bizarre and absurd encounters with various characters in Austin, Texas. It explores the lives of individuals who are disconnected from mainstream society and embrace their own unique and unconventional lifestyles. The film is an episodic journey through different subcultures and presents a satirical and darkly comedic portrayal of contemporary culture.
The sequel to Film Threat founder Chris Gore's video mixtape Cathode Fuck, T.V. Sphincter focuses more on death, sex, and the bizarre, similar in style to a Mondo/Death film.
In 2018 on the steps of The High Court, Vicky Phelan gave a now infamous address where she exposed one of the worst women's health scandals in Irish history, the cervical cancer debacle. Join Vicky on her exclusive and intimate journey as she fights to expose the truth and stay alive.
Explores concerns about uterine cancer and the value of the Pap Test in detecting this serious type of cancer.
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