Rugrats follows the adventures of a group of babies as they navigate through the challenges of toddlerhood. Led by the brave and curious Tommy Pickles, the babies explore the world around them, often finding themselves in hilarious and heartwarming situations. With their vivid imaginations and close-knit friendships, the Rugrats always manage to turn ordinary days into extraordinary adventures.
Summer Camp Island follows two best friends, Oscar and Hedgehog, as they navigate through their summer camp adventure on an island filled with talking objects, mythical creatures, and magical experiences. With their friends and camp counselors, they encounter supernatural phenomena, go on exciting explorations, and learn valuable life lessons.
On Christmas Eve, a young boy embarks on a magical adventure to the North Pole on the Polar Express, while learning about friendship, bravery, and the spirit of Christmas. Tom Hanks plays the train conductor of a magical train heading for the North Pole, in addition to five other parts. Based on a storybook written by Chris Van Allsburg, the Christmas story tells of a boy who has reached an age when he begins to have doubts believing in Santa...
PJ Masks follows the exciting nighttime adventures of three young friends, Connor, Amaya, and Greg, who transform into their dynamic alter egos, Catboy, Owlette, and Gekko, when they put on their pajamas and activate their animal amulets. Together, they embark on action-packed missions and use their superpowers to solve problems, stop crimes, and defeat villains. With teamwork and bravery, the PJ Masks work together to keep their town safe while learning valuable lessons along the way.
Muppet Babies is a TV show that follows the adventures of baby versions of the beloved Muppet characters. With their vivid imaginations, the Muppet Babies go on exciting adventures and learn valuable life lessons. Led by their nanny, Miss Nanny, the babies explore their own version of the world, filled with imagination and fun. From playing superhero to going on a treasure hunt, there's never a dull moment in the Muppet Babies' day care.
Max and Ruby is an animated TV show that follows the stories of two sibling bunnies, Max and Ruby. They engage in exciting adventures with their friends, learning valuable life lessons along the way.
Alvin, Simon, and Theodore are chipmunks who live with their adoptive father, Dave. Together, they have various adventures and get into mischief, all while learning important life lessons.
Lolita is a dramatic and romantic movie based on the novel of the same name. It explores the taboo relationship between a 40-year-old man and a 14-year-old girl, delving into themes of lust, obsession, and forbidden love.
Rugrats is a TV show about a group of adventurous babies who embark on various escapades in their playhouse. Led by the fearless Tommy Pickles, the Rugrats explore their surroundings, encounter new friends, and outsmart the occasional bully. With their vivid imagination and tight-knit friendship, the babies navigate through the mysteries of childhood while having the time of their lives.
Bananas in Pyjamas is a children's TV show where anthropomorphic bananas named B1 and B2 entertain kids with their fun and exciting adventures. They live in the town of Cuddlestown and frequently interact with their friends, the teddy bears Amy, Morgan, and Lulu. The show is filled with music, comedy, and life lessons, making it a favorite among young viewers.
Single and tired of being alone on holidays, Sloane and Jackson decide to be each other's platonic plus-ones for all the festive occasions throughout the year. As they spend more time together, they unexpectedly develop genuine feelings for each other, complicating their agreement and forcing them to confront their fears of commitment and vulnerability.
When the chipmunks and Chipettes go on a cruise trip, they end up getting stranded on a deserted island after a mishap. With their survival skills put to the test, they must find a way to get off the island and back home.
Princess Ann, a royal princess, rebels against her duties and escapes to Rome. She meets a reporter named Joe, who offers to help her. They spend the day seeing the sights and falling in love. However, Ann must return to the embassy, and they part ways. Joe keeps her secret and they share a heartfelt moment before she leaves.
A successful photographer in a wheelchair, Jeff, spies on his neighbors from his apartment window and becomes convinced that one of them has committed murder. With the help of his fashion-model girlfriend, Lisa, and his nurse, Stella, they investigate the suspicious behavior of their neighbor, Thorwald. Their suspicions are confirmed when they find Mrs. Thorwald's belongings and Jeff is pushed out of the window by Thorwald. Luckily, he is saved by the police and Lisa. Thorwald confesses to the murder and they all live happily ever after.
When a workaholic father is left in charge of his kids, chaos ensues as he navigates the world of parenting and tries to keep his family together. With the help of technology and unconventional methods, he learns valuable lessons about family and relationships.
HaPijamot is a comedy TV show set in Tel Aviv, Israel. It follows the story of a band that also has split personalities. The show features a mix of sitcom and parody comedy, with unique elements like black and white screens, fourth wall breaks, and bloopers. The band members live in the same building and often get into hilarious situations, including dishwashing mishaps and late-night pajama parties.
Power heroes Catboy, Owlette and Gekko are joined by new heroes, creating a bigger, even better team. Good thing, too, as new villains are in town. Our heroes will take them on in the City, space and the frozen wilderness of Iceworld. As Catboy says, “If badness is everywhere, we’ll be everywhere.
When the Pickles family takes a vacation in the forest, the babies get lost and embark on an adventure to find their way back home. Along the way, they encounter various challenges and learn important lessons about friendship and family.
Pooh and his friends set out on an adventure to capture a heffalump named Lumpy, but soon realize that they have misjudged him. They learn the importance of friendship and acceptance as they explore the Hundred Acre Wood together.
When Tigger goes on a journey to find his family, he learns the true meaning of friendship and discovers that family isn't just about blood relations. Joined by his friends from the Hundred Acre Wood, Tigger embarks on a heartfelt adventure filled with laughter, tears, and self-discovery.