The Party is a slapstick comedy set in the 1960s, revolving around a chaotic dinner party. The film follows the humorous misadventures of the guests, including a clumsy man, a film producer, and a drunken waiter. As the night progresses, the party becomes increasingly wild and absurd, with various mishaps such as a painted elephant, a gatling gun, and a public address system. The film explores themes of cultural clash, misunderstandings, and the comedic consequences of the characters' actions.
Time Piece is a surreal and avant-garde comedy movie that takes the audience on a journey through various time-related scenarios. From a cowboy riding an elevator to a drummer playing with a head on a platter, the film explores the concept of time and its impact on our lives. With very little dialogue, the movie relies on visual storytelling and absurd situations to entertain and provoke thought.
A cartoon based on Charlie Chaplin's "Little Tramp", with Chaplin himself supplying some gags.
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