The Owl House follows the story of a teenage girl named Luz who stumbles upon a magical portal and finds herself transported to a mysterious world called the Boiling Isles. There, she discovers that she has magical abilities and becomes an apprentice to Eda, a powerful witch. Together with her friends, Luz must navigate through a world filled with witches, monsters, and other fantastical creatures while unraveling the mysteries of the Owl House and her own magical abilities.
Dan Bashin is a young Card Battler who dreams of winning the championship tournament of the trading card game Battle Spirits. One day, he follows a strange girl he meets at the championship. Suddenly he is flung into the Otherworld Grand Rolo ruled by Ikaiou. It is a world where Card Battles with Battle Spirits are the ultimate form of combat.
The series follows the adventure of Bearers of Light's Core that will shape the destiny of the world.
A grandson returns to his ancestors’ village for the winter. A grandfather returns from death to see his grandson for one last time. A village unable to cope with the returns that occurred out of love.
A man tries to pack away his belongings before a storm hits his urban home. As the eye of the storm descends upon him, the man discovers that something is among the cardboard boxes.
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