Distant Drums is a gripping movie set in the 1840s, following a widowed cowboy in the untamed Florida Everglades as he battles Native American uprisings and treacherous swamps. With elements of action, adventure, and drama, this film depicts the story of courage and survival in a dangerous jungle.
In the 1830s a Florida slave trader captures the wife of Chief Osceola, setting off a war between the Seminoles and the U.S. Army.
Cracker Crazy: Invisible Histories of the Sunshine State (2007) is a documentary film that delves into the dark side of Florida's history, exploring topics such as racism, oppression, and the fight for equality. Through interviews, historical footage, and expert analysis, the film sheds light on the untold stories of the state, from the atrocities committed against Native Americans and African Americans to the exploitation of migrant workers and the impact of powerful organizations like the Ku Klux Klan. It unravels the invisible histories that have shaped the Sunshine State, challenging the traditional narrative of paradise and emphasizing the struggles faced by marginalized communities.
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