A young boy named Kubo embarks on a quest to find his late father's magical suit of armor. With the help of a monkey and a beetle, Kubo must defeat a vengeful spirit and discover the power of love and storytelling. Along the way, he learns the importance of family, forgiveness, and the strength found within himself. Set in feudal Japan, this stop-motion animated film is filled with adventure, magic, and the wonders of origami.
When a struggling artist and his girlfriend return home, they discover a massive cardboard maze that he created in their living room. As they enter the maze, they quickly realize that it is filled with traps, monsters, and unexpected challenges. They must navigate their way through the surreal maze to find the artist and escape before it's too late.
Set in present-day Iran, 'Circumstance' follows a 16-year-old girl named Atafeh who, together with her best friend Shireen, explores their sexual identities and embarks on a secret lesbian relationship. As they navigate their forbidden love, they must navigate the oppressive circumstances imposed by their families and society, leading to a series of unexpected consequences.
Girl Asleep is a coming-of-age story set in the 1970s, following a teenage girl named Greta who is thrown into an alternate world on her 15th birthday. As she navigates through this strange and surreal world, Greta learns about friendship, womanhood, and the importance of staying true to yourself.
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