The Wonders follows a teenage girl named Gelsomina who lives in rural Italy in the 1990s. She is part of a family that runs an apiary and participates in a fictional game show. Gelsomina faces social isolation and struggles with her family's patriarchal dynamics. As she becomes more involved in beekeeping, she discovers a troubled past and begins to question her place in the world. The film explores themes of isolation, family, and the awakening of a young girl.
Haute Cuisine is a movie based on the true story of Danièle Mazet-Delpeuch, a French chef who becomes the personal chef to the President of France. The movie explores her journey as she navigates the power struggles, formalities, and protocols of the French kitchen, while trying to maintain the traditions of haute cuisine. Through beautiful dishes, oysters, truffles, and the clash of tradition and modernity, Haute Cuisine takes viewers on a culinary adventure.
Night Moves is about three radical environmentalists who plan an act of eco-terrorism. They build explosives and set them off in a dam, intending to take down a hydroelectric power station. However, their action has unexpected consequences and they are soon filled with guilt and paranoia.
Farmageddon is a documentary that highlights the plight of small farms and organic agriculture in the face of industrial farming. It discusses the struggles faced by farmers and the importance of supporting local, sustainable food choices. The film also delves into the topics of farm raids and the controversy surrounding raw milk and other organic produce.
When Betsy and Leonard are placed on house arrest, they must find a way to navigate their relationship, deal with eccentric friends, and avoid breaking the rules. With a touch of comedy and drama, their journey unfolds in unexpected ways.
do nothing farming using the fukuoka method
This documentary explores the history and versatility of quinoa, a nutritious grain. It covers various cooking methods and recipes using quinoa as the main ingredient. The film also highlights the organic produce used in the recipes and emphasizes the health benefits of incorporating quinoa into one's diet.
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