Percy is a biographical drama based on the true story of a farmer named Percy Schmeiser. In 1998, Percy finds himself in a legal battle against the giant corporation Monsanto. The company accuses Percy of illegally using their patented genetically modified seeds. The story follows Percy as he fights for his livelihood and the rights of small farmers against the corporate Goliath. It explores the themes of corporate criticism, David versus Goliath, and the consequences of genetically modified organisms.
A woman must rush to get married by Christmas in order to inherit her family's lucrative food distribution company. Along the way, she navigates the challenges of finding love and dealing with her sister's interference.
Kate Humble goes on the trail of some of the world's most valuable spices revealing their history, trade, mythology and usage.
Dreaming of a Vetter World is a documentary that explores the challenges and dreams of organic farming in Nebraska. The film follows the Vetter family and their mission to create a sustainable and regenerative farming system that works in harmony with nature. It highlights the importance of soil health, organic farming practices, and the impact of agriculture on the environment. Through personal stories and interviews, the film sheds light on the potential of organic farming to nourish both people and the planet.
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