Drugstore Cowboy follows the story of a group of drug-abusing friends who live an unconventional and dangerous lifestyle, stealing drugs from pharmacies and leading a life of crime. The film explores the themes of drug addiction, the consequences of drug abuse, and the struggles of a group of individuals trying to find meaning and purpose in their lives.
Shelby, a recovering addict, wants to avenge his fiancee's death caused by drug dealers. With a nail gun and adrenaline, he hunts down every link in the drug chain. Sheriff Church and Detective Zeppelin must stop his vigilante justice before it turns the town into a bloodbath.
Dosed (2019) follows the story of a woman struggling with drug addiction as she explores alternative therapies such as magic mushrooms and ibogaine to help in her recovery.
Shot over the course of 18 months in New York City's Lower East Side, METHADONIA sheds light on the inherent flaws of legal methadone treatments for heroin addiction by profiling eight addicts, in various stages of recovery and relapse, who attend the New York Center for Addiction Treatment Services (NYCATS).
In the late 1990s, some officers at Vancouver Police Department made a documentary film (THROUGH A BLUE LENS) about the everyday lives of six drug addicts in Vancouver's skid row, the Downtown Eastside. TEARS FOR APRIL reintroduces us to these six people; with footage shot over a period of nearly ten years, it continues their biography.
In this feature-length documentary, photographer Nance Ackerman describes the havoc prescription painkiller OxyContin wreaked in the already weakened Cape Breton town of Glace Bay. The film guides us through a culture of economic and social depression where we encounter men and women at different stages of dependency. Demystifying the world of the addict while showing us the complex social nexus that led to such despair, Cottonland emphasizes the importance of a collective approach to tackling addiction.
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