The anime centers on four girls at the full bloom of their youth, working hard to achieve their dreams as they struggle valiantly. In Japanese entertainment, Maesetsu! refers to an introductory talk or explanation addressed to the audience before the broadcast of television programs, usually performed by assistant directors and particularly comedians in variety or comedy shows.
Cape No. 7 tells the story of a postman, who is forced to become the lead singer of a band in order to keep his job. As the band prepares for their big concert, they face numerous challenges and discover the power of music to bridge cultural gaps and bring people together. Set in a small village, the film explores themes of love, reconciliation, and the clash between generations.
Elvis on Tour follows Elvis Presley on his concert tour, showcasing his performances and providing a glimpse into the backstage drama and the life of a rock singer on the road. The film includes interviews, press conferences, and footage of screaming fans, capturing the excitement and energy of Elvis's live shows.
The Road Home for Christmas follows the journey of a talented female pianist and a jazz pianist as they navigate through a snowstorm to reach their respective homes for Christmas. Along the way, they face various obstacles and discover the true meaning of love and family.
Psychomagic, a Healing Art is a documentary that explores the practice of psychotherapy and its ability to heal deep emotional wounds. It follows the journey of several individuals as they embark on a transformative process, using various artistic and theatrical techniques to confront their repressed desires, painful childhood experiences, and emotional traumas.
When a comedian loses his job as an opening act, his singer-songwriter friend invites him on a road trip to open for his own shows. Along the way, they encounter comedy gigs, small venues, and a chance to chase their dreams.
A singalong with spot gags about vegetables.
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