The Mad Doctor is a 1933 animated short film created by Walt Disney and released by United Artists. The film follows the story of a mad doctor who captures and kidnaps Mickey Mouse, intending to switch bodies with him. Mickey and his loyal dog Pluto must escape and stop the mad doctor's evil plans.
Professor Tom is a funny and surreal animated short about the antics of a cat professor and his mischievous mouse student. The professor tries to teach the mouse important lessons, but the mouse constantly turns the tables on him, resulting in hilarious and unexpected situations. This delightful cartoon explores the unlikely friendship between a cat and a mouse while delivering non-stop laughs.
It's Halloween for Fat Albert and the Junkyard Gang, and everyone's all set for trick-or-treating. While searching for costumes a store clerk kicks them out, leaving the gang to comes up with their own home-made costumes. Then they are off to the movies to scare old Searchlight Johnson, then more hijinks with Mudfoot Brown, and old lady Bickwell. As you can probably guess, things don't go too well and they learn their lessons... Searchlight catches them up to no good in the theatre and throws them out. Mudfoot Brown eats most of their candy, and old lady Bickwell turns out to have the best Halloween treats in town.
Tom tries setting out things to lure Jerry into a trap, but Jerry, riding on Tom, picks them up as Tom puts them down. Tom chases Jerry upstairs, where he runs out a door to the outside. Tom puts on a lady mouse costume and plays the ukulele and is suddenly surrounded by dozens of amorous mice then hungry cats.
The Big Bad Wolf stalks Little Bo Peep and steals one of her sheep. She enlists Little Boy Blue and a dancing scarecrow to assist her and her mischievous black sheep in rescuing it. Singing, dancing, hilarity and impalement ensue.
A trumpet-playing cat and his jazz band invade Ye Olde Squaresville, a kingdom that has outlawed all but the squarest music.
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