In Manta, Manta, two young men and their girlfriends find themselves immersed in a comical street racing rivalry. Fueled by envy and a love for cars, they navigate the world of noisy engines, car crashes, and hilarious pranks. With an Opel Manta as their weapon of choice, they race against rivals and attempt to outdo each other in the ultimate show of machismo. This German comedy explores the themes of friendship, rivalry, and young love in the backdrop of street racing culture.
Manta - Der Film is a comedy film set in Germany in which a young man named Alex is in love with his car, an Opel Manta. He encounters relationship problems with his girlfriend and gets involved in street racing. The film explores themes of youth, love, and rivalry.
Group B - Riding Balls of Fire is a gripping documentary that delves into the high-stakes, adrenaline-fueled world of Group B rally racing. The film takes viewers on a thrilling journey as they witness the fearless drivers and their powerful machines push the limits of speed and skill. With heart-stopping action and compelling interviews, this documentary is a must-watch for motorsport enthusiasts.
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