In the distant future, the peaceful utopia of Gandahar is under threat from an alien invasion. As the inhabitants of Gandahar struggle to defend their home, they uncover a conspiracy that stretches back thousands of years. With the help of an unlikely ally, they must stop the invasion and save their civilization.
Johanna Nordblad, a free diver, is the subject of this documentary as she strives to break the world record for the longest distance traveled under ice with only one breath.
In August in the Water, a teenage girl named Yuu lives a quiet life in a small coastal town. One day, she discovers that she has the ability to communicate with dolphins. This discovery leads her on a journey of self-discovery and connection with the natural world around her. Along the way, she encounters various characters and faces challenges that will test her newfound powers. August in the Water explores themes of metaphysics, communication, and the power of nature.
Follow a group of extraordinary divers as they plunge into the deep ocean and push the limits of human capability. Witness the breathtaking beauty and danger of the underwater realm as these individuals challenge themselves and commune with nature.
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