One Week Friends follows Yuuki Hase, a high school student who befriends Kaori Fujimiya, a girl who suffers from a condition where her memory resets every week. Determined to become her friend, Yuuki goes to great lengths to create new memories with Kaori every week, overcoming obstacles and discovering the true meaning of friendship.
The Good Boss is a dark comedy that tells the story of a boss who tries to maintain a work-life balance while dealing with a cheating husband and a possessive husband. Along the way, he encounters various challenges including a culture clash, workplace relationships, and professional failures. With its satirical and comedic elements, the movie explores themes of corporate satire and tragicomedy.
Eden is a coming-of-age film about a Protestant Confirmation camp on a summer’s week, set in the archipelago of Helsinki. Aliisa is the intellectually confident non-believer, Jenna is the queen bee and Panu is the scared bird. The experience of these teenagers is affected by Tiina, a young and eager priest.
The dating show that puts the woman in charge. One single girl invites five guys who are looking for love to move into her home and live with her for a week...all at the same time.
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