The Man in the Moon is a heartfelt coming-of-age drama set in 1950s Louisiana. It tells the story of a 14-year-old girl named Dani who is experiencing first love, sibling relationships, and the complexities of family dynamics. One summer, her life takes an unexpected turn when she develops feelings for her older neighbor, a 17-year-old boy. As their relationship develops, Dani also navigates the challenges of growing up, including dealing with her father's attraction to her sister's girlfriend. The film explores themes of sexual tension, self-discovery, and the innocence of adolescence.
In the summer of 1962, a new kid in town named Scotty Smalls moves to Los Angeles and befriends a group of boys who play baseball at a small field known as the sandlot. Despite his lack of experience, Scotty is accepted into the group and becomes an integral part of their team. Together, they navigate various challenges and misadventures, such as getting banned from the local pool, winning a game against their arch-rival, and trying to recover a priceless baseball they accidentally lost. The film follows Scotty's journey as he learns the customs of the sandlot and forms lasting friendships, culminating in a future where he becomes a radio commentator for the Los Angeles Dodgers and his friend Benny becomes a star player on the team.
A teenage boy visits his grandmother's house and discovers a dark family secret. He must navigate a series of horrifying events, including murder and psychosis, as he tries to uncover the truth.
When a woman's sister starts behaving strangely, she begins to suspect that there is something wrong. As she digs deeper, she uncovers dark secrets and a shocking plot twist.
A young girl Marie faces the troubles of growing up when her mother takes a new boyfriend home.
Features Arlene Baxter, Julie Lynn Cialini, Shae Marks, Becky Delos Santos, Anna-Marie Goddard, Jennifer Lavoie, Jenny McCarthy, Elan Carter, Neriah Davis, Julianna Young, Carrie Westcott, and Elke Jeinsen.
Promotional short for the 1938 release Gold Diggers in Paris
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