In the year 1957, a group of astronauts crash-land on Earth after a space mission gone wrong. They find themselves in a future where humanity has been devastated by a nuclear holocaust. As they explore the desolate world, they encounter mutants, giant spiders, and a subterranean city. They also discover the ability to travel through time, which leads them to uncover the truth about the destruction of civilization and their own role in it.
Carefree electrician Tom Cathral is recruited by The Company, and is quickly offered a full-time promotion to join the Retrievers, an elite squad of crooked secret operatives. His refusal to kill botches his first mission, making Tom The Company's new target.
Well done bio pic of a notorious Filipino gangster in the late 40's until his death at the age of 26 in 1951.
After blaming Britt for his wife's decision to stay with the Native Americans who captured her, an abusive husband organizes a party of vigilantes to accompany him into Indian territory.
Asedillo is a story about a teacher in a small town in the Philippines who fights against corruption and injustice.
Fernando Poe Jr. stars as Carding Villamar, a city professional who returns to their hometown of Evangelista after learning of his brother's untimely demise. As a series of events unfold, he soon discovers that his brother didn't succumb to a heart attack as he was made to believe. He was shot in cold blood for refusing to sell his land to a powerful congressman. With a town muted and crippled by fear, the congressman's henchmen move unhampered to silence Carding and his brother's orphaned family as well. Big mistake. Armed with only a crusty riffle and a whole ton of rage. Carding sets out to right the wrong and exact vengeance for the murder of his brother. That is, if he survives the hot pursuits of bounty hunters, the militia and the police who are all in the congressman's payroll.
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