Race is a biographical drama based on the incredible true story of Jesse Owens, the legendary African-American athlete who overcame racial prejudice and competed in the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, Germany. Facing the racial tensions of Nazi Germany and the intense competition on the track, Jesse Owens became a symbol of triumph and hope.
A talented gymnast, who faced setbacks and controversy, gets another shot at glory as she competes against her rivals in a high-stakes sports competition. Along the way, she must overcome self-doubt, bullying, and personal struggles to prove herself and achieve her dreams.
Over the Limit is a documentary film that delves into the intense and demanding world of rhythmic gymnastics. It follows the journey of a female protagonist as she faces the challenges of training, injury, and pressure in her quest for Olympic gold. Set against the backdrop of the Rio 2016 Olympics, the film offers a glimpse into the physical and psychological toll that the sport takes on its athletes.
There Is No Finish Line is a testament to the power that running can bring to our lives. The film celebrates the life and spirit of Joan Benoit-Samuelson, the first woman Olympic Gold medalist in the marathon.
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