In this comedic short film, a trio of time-traveling hip-hop artists embarks on a wild adventure that involves a dance battle, rap performances, urination, and encounters with their older and younger selves. As they navigate through different timelines, they find themselves causing chaos while also discovering the potential consequences of their actions. With colored smoke, window smashing, and a staircase conversation, this film offers a unique blend of comedy and music.
When Mutta was 12-years-old and Hibito was 9-years-old the two brothers saw what they thought was an UFO flying towards the moon. They made a pact then to become astronauts and one day fly into space together. Fast forward to the year 2025. Older brother Mutta (Shun Oguri) works as for an automotive company and his younger brother Hibito works as an astronaut. Although Mutta failed to follow through on his childhood promise, after losing his job, he receives a phone call from Hibito which reignites his childhood dream of flying into outer space ...
In 1964, Momoko came by herself to Tokyo from her hometown. She met Shūzō and married him. They raised two children together, but Shūzō suddenly passes away. Momoko is dumbfounded by being alone again. She begins to go to the library and borrows books. This changes her life.
Three Beastie Boys travel back in time to wreak havoc in their younger selves' lives.
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