One Foot In the Grave follows Victor Meldrew, a retired man with a pessimistic outlook on life, and his wife Margaret as they encounter darkly humorous situations and quirky neighbors in their suburban community. The show combines classic sitcom elements with surreal and dark comedy, exploring themes of old age, marriage, and suburban life.
King of Thieves is a movie about a group of elderly criminals who plan and execute a daring heist in London. The plot revolves around their attempts to steal diamonds, jewels, and gold from a vault using their skills and experience. However, their age and the challenges they face along the way add to the suspense and complexity of the story. The movie is based on a true story and explores themes of trust, betrayal, and the consequences of a life of crime.
Richard Briers plays Godfrey Spry, who, having been hit on the head in a freak accident, ends up with an attention span of just 30 seconds. As a result he begins to obsess over TV commercials and begins to take advertising claims literally, causing erratic twists in his behaviour and complicating the lives of all those around him.
Harry Enfield and Chums is a British sketch comedy show that aired in the 1990s. The show revolves around Harry Enfield and his various characters, including teenage boys, adult actors playing minors, and female actors playing male characters. The sketches often explore parent-child relationships and conflicts, as well as teenage angst and British culture.
Following the lead up to one of the biggest robberies of the century, Hatton Garden The Heist watches the journey of Brian Reader, John Collins, Terry Perkins, Daniel Jones and the mysterious Basil throughout the audacious heist.
Derren Brown plans and executes an art robbery using various diversionary tactics and social engineering strategies. He manipulates the security guards and uses his skills in magic and misdirection to steal a valuable painting. The heist is full of unexpected twists and turns, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats.
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