The hyperactive teenage scuba diver, Hikari Kohinata, lives in a small town near the sea. On her first day of high school she meets the shy transfer student, Futaba Oki, who is struggling to find a place after moving away from Tokyo. Hikari takes the lead, dragging Futaba into her hijinx, and the two soon become close friends
When Teruaki Nakamura transfers to laid-back Okinawa, he falls for the lively Kyan-san—but her dialect is a complete mystery to him. With Higa-san translating, Teru's misunderstanding-filled island life takes off... and subtle hints suggest Higa-san might want his heart too. On this serene island, love flows as freely as the ocean breeze!
Daniel and his mentor Mr. Miyagi travel the world with their Okinawan friend Taki Tamurai in search of an ancient Japanese talisman stolen from an old fishing village.
The last fight put up by remaining forces and a special volunteer nursing corps in 1944-5.
On April 1, 1945, the United States military launched its invasion of the main island of Okinawa, the start of a battle that was to last 12 weeks and claim the lives of some 240,000 people. This film depicts the Battle through the eyes of Japanese and American soldiers who fought each other on the same battlefield, along with Okinawa civilians who were swept up in the fighting. The film also depicts the history of discrimination and oppression forced upon Okinawa by the American and Japanese governments. Carrying up to the current controversy over the construction of a new base at Henoko, the film explores the root causes of the widespread disillusionment and anger expressed by many Okinawans. This ambitious documentary was directed by the American John Junkerman, long-term resident of Japan and Oscar-nominated documentary filmmaker. Okinawa: The Afterburn is a heartfelt plea for peace and an expression of deep respect for the unyielding spirit of the Okinawa people.
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