Cohen and Tate tells the story of a nine-year-old witness who is kidnapped by two hitmen in Texas. The hitmen, Cohen and Tate, are assigned to eliminate the child as he poses a threat to their employer. As they journey through Texas, a bond forms between the boy and one of the hitmen. The movie takes dark twists and turns as they encounter various obstacles and face life-threatening situations.
In 1913 Oklahoma, Lena Doyle, a tough, independent woman, discovers huge quantities of crude oil on her land and battles to keep it from falling into the wrong hands.
Blowing Wild is a thrilling western film that takes place in the oil fields of South America. It follows the story of a group of bandits, oil workers, and a femme fatale as they navigate the dangerous world of oil exploration and face betrayal and danger at every turn.
The Child (1977) follows the story of an 11-year-old girl who is reanimated from the dead and embarks on a killing spree to seek revenge. With supernatural powers and the ability to raise the dead, she terrorizes the rural community she once lived in. As the body count rises, a brave final girl must confront the child and put an end to the horror.
Dix's single memory on her imprisoned father is his sapphire ring. After nine years, Dix's dad is back to pick up the hidden loot.
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