Renoir is a movie based on the true story of renowned painter Pierre-Auguste Renoir. Set in the South of France during the 1910s, the film follows Renoir's struggles with arthritis as he continues to create his famous paintings. The story also explores the relationship between Renoir and his son Jean Renoir, who later became a famous filmmaker. The film provides a glimpse into the everyday life and artistic creation during wartime.
At an art gallery, a woman notices a girl with her dad, sending the woman on a journey through memories and conversations she had with her own father.
A battered wife and mother takes refuge from her unseen abusive second husband in the Manhattan, New York City apartment of her gay younger son, whose sexuality is unbeknownst to his mother. Her unseen older son is in prison as a sexual offender, but her younger son hides her older son's unopened letters, written from prison, from her, while also hiding his own sexuality, and his engagement to his long time boyfriend. One night while he is having dinner with his boyfriend/fiancee, she discovers the cache of hidden letters from her older son, which brings his mother great distress, and she confronts him with when he gets home from dinner. The question is, will he be able to tell her that he is gay and engaged too, and will it be more than she can take?
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