The Troubleshooters is a British television series made by the BBC between 1965 and 1972, created by John Elliot. During its run, the series made the transition from black and white to colour transmissions. The series was based around an international oil company – the "Mogul" of the title. The first series was mostly concerned with the internal politics within the Mogul organisation, with episodes revolving around industrial espionage, internal fraud and negligence almost leading to an accident on a North Sea oil rig.
The indolent son of an oil vendor becomes a regular customer of a prostitute, racks up a mountain of debt, and is disowned by his parents.
The follow-up to A Woman of Substance with Emma Harte at age eighty in the last winter of her life and dealing with her granddaughter Paula, as well as her respected advisor Henry Rossiter and Blackie O'Neill.
The series focuses on the conflict between the McGregors, a family of wealthy oil developers residing on Montrose Ranch, and the Henrys, a widow and her three daughters living in the neighbouring Rivercross Ranch.
In the year 2055, an archivist looks back at footage from the early 21st century to explore how ignorance, greed, and consumerism led to a global environmental catastrophe.
Strange Bedfellows is a comedy romance movie that follows the story of an American man and Italian woman who meet and fall in love while both facing marital issues. As their relationships begin to unravel, they find themselves in a complicated love triangle, leading to humorous and dramatic situations.
Louisiana Story is a docudrama set in the 1940s, depicting the story of a young boy who explores the Louisiana bayou while his father works for an oil company. The film highlights the clash between man and nature as the oil industry drills for oil, leading to an oil spill that threatens the wildlife and the boy's way of life.
A newlywed army wife and a construction architect, pretending to be married, find themselves in hilarious situations after checking into an auto-court hotel.
Untamed is a melodramatic romantic drama that takes place in the jungle of South America. The story revolves around a young heiress and a penniless playboy who find love in the untamed wilderness. Their relationship is complicated by murder, greed, and societal gossip. Will they be able to overcome the challenges and find happiness in this exotic setting?
In the 1930s, Charles Lang invents an engine that runs using water for fuel. But when he tries to get it patented, he is first offered a ridiculously low amount. When he refuses, he is suddenly several people are pressuring him to sell. The big oil companies don't want the competition. Now he has to try and keep them from getting his idea, and somehow get it published.
Boston blueblood Aloysius Merriweather loves to play jokes on people and he's come up with a joy-buzzer of a doozy. He'll send barber Joe Jenkins in his place to a dinner party aimed at squeezing a few Merriweather millions. That Cinderella plan soon turns into a pumpkin coach with the wheels fallen off. Circumstances will force shave-and-a-haircut Joe to masquerade as Merriweather for much longer.The comedy comes fast and frantic in Mister Cinderella, from Hal Roach Studios.
The Cycle is a drama set in a small farming community struggling with poverty. The story revolves around a group of landowners who are fighting against a corrupt landlord and an oil business. When a valuable cow is stolen, tensions escalate, leading to a shocking conclusion.
An American goes to work in the booming oil industry of Venuzuela.
The Standard Oil Company of Chicago describes how gasoline was refined and used in the early 1950's. The film features a combination of animation and live-action scenes and displays gas stations, automobiles, trains, and various machines and industrial complexes used in the refining process.
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