Funeral Parade of Roses is a postmodern avant-garde film that delves into themes of gender identity, social commentary, and the exploration of the human psyche. Set in Tokyo, Japan, the movie follows the story of a transgender protagonist who finds herself entangled in a web of violence, tragedy, and personal turmoil. With a nonlinear timeline and documentary-style elements, the film offers a thought-provoking journey into the complexities of human relationships and societal norms. Funeral Parade of Roses is a visually stunning and emotionally intense exploration of the LGBTQ+ experience and the struggles faced by those who defy societal expectations.
Abandoned at birth in the Greek mountains on a stormy night, Jon is taken in and adopted, without having known his father or mother. As a young man, he meets Iro, a warden in the prison where he is incarcerated after a deadly tragic accident. She seems to seek out his presence, takes care of him, records music for him. Jon’s eyesight begins to fail … From then on, for every loss he suffers, he will gain something in return. Thus, in spite of going blind, he will live his life more fully than ever.
The story of Oedipus' gradual discovery of his primal crime, killing his father and marrying his mother, filmed by the famed British theatrical director Sir Tyrone Guthrie. This elegant version of Sophocles' play adds a brilliant stroke: the actors wear masks just as the Greeks did in the playwright's day.
A Woman at Her Window (1976) is a drama film set in 1936, depicting the life of a wealthy man as his world begins to crumble due to his involvement in adultery and political corruption. The story explores themes of ambition, self-image, alienation, and the decay of bourgeois society. It showcases the protagonist's struggle with his own desires and emotions, as well as his search for meaning in a world filled with decadence and despair.
Based on a true story, Agnus Dei is a kind of Oedipus of our days. Peter must find his way to redemption. But the past will make itself known and fate sparingly gives mercy. Can he save himself, or even be saved at all?
When a dysfunctional family gathers for their annual secret Santa gift exchange, the innocent holiday tradition takes a dark and deadly turn. As tensions rise and deep-seated resentments come to the surface, one by one, family members start turning up dead. With no idea who is behind the gruesome murders, they must uncover the truth before it's too late.
Remake of the 1991 low-budget thriller. Jeff works the night shift, then comes home to his domineering mother, who has the grisly habit of slaughtering neighborhood children to satisfy her insatiable bloodlust.
It is election night. Oedipus is on the verge of a massive victory. The country has not known a leader for many years since Laius' death. The ambitions are great. Oedipus wants to create a future, create a new way of life. He also insists, if elected, that the investigation into the death of his predecessor is reopened. In the meanwhile, in the half-empty campaign headquarters, Oedipus is surprised by his family - mother, wife and children - with a dinner. An old incident is thereby brought up. Gradually, Oedipus discovers that his past is very different from what he has always thought. During his research, the pieces of the puzzle fall together. Oedipus tries to control his fate, but discovers that he has been seeing blind all along.
Inspired by the early trash films of John Waters, the film stars Estdelacropolis as Demira, a gay porn actor struggling with both his emotionally complicated relationship with his mother Esther and his desire to break out of porn and into mainstream movies. He connects with a Freudian psychiatrist who is convinced that his homosexuality stems from an unresolved Oedipus complex which he has repressed by denying his natural attractions to women, to which the psychiatrist's proposed solution is to hypnotize Esther into believing that she is a man so that men will become the gender that sexually repulses Demira; in his career, he is ambivalent when the first "mainstream" role he is able to land is a gore film in which he will play the victim of a cannibal family for which Esther has also been cast as the mother.
Constance is a bored, movie-loving schoolteacher in post-WW2 New Zealand who begins to fantasize that she's a Hollywood star - with tragic consequences.
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