Set in post-war Germany in 1946, "The Aftermath" follows a British couple, Rachael and Lewis Morgan, as they move into a grand house in Hamburg. They are forced to share their new home with a German widower and his troubled daughter. Tensions rise as Rachael, still grieving the loss of their son, forms a surprising connection with the German widower, and their affair threatens to tear apart the already fragile peace in the aftermath of war.
In post-war Germany, a group of Jewish Holocaust survivors start a business selling linens to Germans. They face challenges and suspicion from the locals while dealing with their own painful past. As they navigate the black market, anti-Semitism, and their efforts to rebuild their lives, they find humor and resilience in the face of adversity.
In the aftermath of World War II, a group of people from different nationalities find themselves on a train traveling from Paris to Berlin. As tensions rise and suspicion grows, they must navigate through a web of secrets and danger. With assassination attempts, murder, and betrayals, they realize that not everyone on the train can be trusted. Will they make it safely to their destination or will they fall victim to the shadows of the past?
In post-World War II Germany, an American military reporter and a sergeant navigate through the challenges of the Berlin Airlift, facing Russian spies, evading the police, and uncovering a two-timing relationship. They must overcome various obstacles to ensure the success of the mission.
Hilde tells the story of Hildegarde Knef, a German singer turned actress, as she navigates the challenges of post-war Germany. Set against the backdrop of a changing society, Hilde pursues her dreams and faces scandal, humiliation, and personal struggles. Through it all, she perseveres and becomes a successful performer known for her chanson music.
The story of former Bayern Munich president Kurt Landauer, a Bavarian jew ousted by the National Socialists and brought to the concentration camp of Dachau, where he survived to come back and start to rebuild his old club after World War II.
An actor is recalled to active duty with the Army's C.I.D. to find the thief who stole historical jewels in occupied Germany and the trail leads to the boyfriend of a young debutante from Bel Air.
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