Toc Toc is a comedy movie that revolves around a group of individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder. They all end up attending a therapy session together and their quirky behaviors lead to hilarious situations. The movie is based on a play and showcases the challenges faced by people with obsessive-compulsive behavior. It also highlights the importance of therapy and support in dealing with such conditions.
When Rose, a passionate fashion stylist in her 30's living in New York, inherits her grandmother's vintage dress shop, she returns to her small hometown to take care of the store. As she's contemplating closing the store for good, she runs into her charming high school crush, Cole Murphy, who convinces her to restore the store and help people in need that can't afford new clothes. After hesitantly agreeing, the two friends reminisce about their old feelings, and realize that the store is not the only that deserves a second chance, but so does their love.
There's nothing to keep Yvan in Paris any longer. His wife has left him to live in Thailand. His teenage daughters have chosen to live with his sister Ariane, who is as anxious as she is admirable. Yvan is ready to leave... when beautiful Emmanuelle enters his life. She makes babies as easily as she falls in love, and she's accompanied by Léo, the little boy who Yvan's wife had with another man. Yvan is going to have to change his plans.
Margaret’s OCD is in overdrive thanks to being jilted by her fiancé. She’s forced to explore the root of this behavior when her estranged sister and niece show up on her doorstep.
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